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How to Added 1,074,419 contacts on LinkedIn in 7 Days

tips  to Added 1,074,419 contacts on LinkedIn in 7 Days

it was quite overwhelming to see the flood of invitations coming into my inbox infact I had to temporarilly turn off my e-mail notication because I was getting way too many e-mails. Luckily LinkedIn has a bulk accept function so I only had to login and click this to connect with all of my new friends. In total I added 1,958 new first level contacts in one week and when you included all of their second and third level contacts I now had access to an additional 1,074,419 contacts that I did not previously have thanks to joining TopLinkedIn. The way LinkedIN gives you access to 3 levels deep of contacts is one of the features that makes LinkedIn so powerfull compared to other social networking sites which do not let you see friends of friends.

 Last  joined and  added over million contacts  in 7 days

I highly recommend anyone in business join TopLinkedIn. There is a free membership and a paid membership. Let me explain to you the difference this IS VERY IMPORTANT. With the free membership you get access to everyone’s profile so that you can send them invitations, however remember that LinkedIn ONLY allows you to send out 3000 invititations total for your lifetime. So if you take avail of the free TopLinkedIn membership you will burn through your invitations quickly and leave you with none left. Once you have none left you will have to send people an e-mail asking them to please send you an invite as you will onlyg be able to grow your network when others invite you which can be very diabling. The best strategy is to always get your friend or contact to send you the invite so that you are saving your invites. It does not matter if the invites do not get accepted you never get them back. You cannot find out how many invites you have left until you have used up the first 2000 after this LinkedIn will put a “count down ticker” on your invite field showing you how many you have left.

this also allows searchers to easily find and connect with you.
Also if you are just starting out on LinkedIN you want to get over 500 connections as soon as possible because after 500 LinkedIn does not show the public how many connections you actually have so you can look a lot bigger then you actuallly are. People think I have the 64th most connections when really I only have about 1580 total first level connections and I just got 1136 of those from TopLinked so I actually had only about 350 personal connections before i joined TopLinked. Now I look like a power networker! Ron Bates by the way is #1 on LinkedIn with 84,000 first level connections. I recommend you connect with Ron as you will instantly get access to all 84,000 of his contacts plus all of their contacts. I also recommend you connect with me to get access to all of my contacts and so you can get more of these great tips
Passionate content creator with a love for writing, art, and blogging


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